Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Over The Top

Just a quick one today ... I'm busy arguing with document control and haven't really had time to stop and catch my breath...

This is amazing but totally over the top. I don't think I could have it in my house but how amazing would it be to come over for a glass of wine?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A Week of Confessions

So this week you have found out that I am a total control freak ... and I'm a closet Ikea fanatic however this one really takes the cake. This one turns me from a cute slightly quirky Australian woman into something a little bit scary.

But as always let me start at the beginning. Me and a few friends are totally completely addicted to a TV series called True Blood.  Now my friends regularly argue over which one of the lovely men on the show they particularly want to take home and to be honest .... they are all pretty nice but last week I watched an episode that made me realise I have a problem ... instead of drooling over the pretty sets of abs and arms that many woman would die to have holding them .... here we go .... I'm just going to say it ..... I was lusting over Bill Compton's house.

Yes that's right ... I was so in love with the house the boys above didn't even get a hit on my radar ... the house on the other hand had me all hot an bothered.

So ladies .... (sorry gentleman) - if you had to choose between the house below or one of the boys above ... which would it be???

Monday, August 29, 2011

Im One Of Those

Oh yes ... I'm one of those people who actually gets excited about the new Ikea Catalogue. Not so bad that I am cleaning my mail box but I have been checking it every day just to make sure I don't miss it arriving.

However today I got impatient and viewed it online and I have to say .... Oh my god I LOVE IKEA!

These are a few of my favorite rooms they have put together. Can you imagine the first image with the two back to back chaise's in a library right in the centre of the room with books the whole way round???

IKEA is my idea of heaven! (I did tell you I'm terrible)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Organisational Beast Strikes Again

I don't know how many of you will remember when we were focusing on the changes to the building company's general specification but I created the most wonderful changes register to capture all of these variations and other than being laughed at by everyone it worked wonderfully.

Which is why I'm slightly worried posting this today .... you see the "over the top organisational bug" has hit me again... this time with the holiday.

This is my itinerary folder with tickets, spreadsheets and contact details for everywhere and everyone ... oh dear. So maybe its slightly over the top but being so organised and having everything at my fingertips will make me feel 100 times better. he he he. I would ask if this was too much but to be honest I do realise that most people would freak out more at the amount of paperwork than less but for me, knowledge is power and I want everything ready just in case something goes wrong ....

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hitting a Wall

I have to say - today I have officially hit a wall. I am sitting here, glassy eyed staring at the screen thinking ... my god I just want to be in bed. My mind is tired ... way to much going on at the moment and on top of that my body is tired. Yes that's right, this is a woe is me post and I'm happy to be feeling sorry for myself!

If you can, hang in there because although I'm feeling sorry for myself my planned medicine is the cutest little house you have ever seen.

Oh yes, so I'm feeling sorry for myself.... (Imagine me hunched dispiritedly over he keyboard ... struggling to type) ... because even my fingers are sore from trying to minute over 50 hours of technical meetings.

Ok - so the only thing that would make me feel better would be sitting on the veranda of this little house in my ugg boots, PJ's and of course my steaming cup of coffee .... and maybe even my husband.

So today this would be my dream holiday home! What do you think?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Perfect Kitchenette

Upstairs we are having a small little kitchenette - sink, microwave, fridge and the all important coffee machine and its been really hard trying to sort out how I want it to look. Most kitchenettes are hidden away but mine is going to be front and centre when you walk into the sitting room.

However I have finally found a picture I think is perfect. Its really simple but still fits in with the lovely warm feeling I'm trying to go for.

Again - sorry about the shortness of the blog .... still in clarification meetings listening to arguments between engineers about whether a XT (Christmas tree - sits on the ocean bed - looks nothing like a christmas tree but what do you expect when an engineer names it) should be horizontal or vertical and whether the IWOCS & SSIV's are properly engineered and ALARP (As low as reasonably practicable - My question is why dont you just say that instead of creating a new acronym for it) Let me just say ... I hate Acronyms

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wall Mural

So I have been looking into getting this wall mural printed for the theatre room and the company I have been speaking to has emailed me back with some sample pictures of the quality of the image.

I will agree that there are defiantly some parts of the image that are damaged or have flaws but for me that just adds to the overall charm of the picture. I don't think it would have that same history to it if the picture was perfect, it would feel a bit too contrived ... not quite so interesting.

For me the damage makes it seem somewhat more real.... what do you think? Are all the flaws you can see and the slightly less precise image a good thing or a bad thing?

This is the whole image 

These are some excerpts of how it will look printed so large

Monday, August 22, 2011


My house is moving along at an alarming pace at the moment .... NOT!

This is the difference between my house three weeks ago and my house today

If your sitting here scratching your head over what has changed you would be right ... nothing!

Sorry again for the short posts ... I'm amazed by how busy work is at the moment, no time for anything other than work ... and to be honest that is just not on! I will have to talk about my boss!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Very Quick Post

Oh god - another week full of 12 hours days stuck in meetings ... so much fun this work thing?

Anyways on the weekend I found a dining room chair I just adored and now I'm stuck, I liker two different styles and just cant choose which will suit the space more?

So a quick post asking for your opinion. Which chair do you like best and do you think will suit my dining room?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Catching the Bug

So at the moment we are doing a little bit of "Fixing Up" of a rental property ... well last night we went to Bunnings to find a kitchen sink... and I had a bit of a flashback of practically living  there during our last renovation....

I think its a bit like an bug you catch and just cant get rid of. Don't get me wrong, we hated the hard work, the broken nails and constantly being dirty, dusty, broke and sore but at the same time, after the little taste we are having at the moment, it's fulfilling to fix something and make it better.

So - on one hand I am dreading having paint in my hair and waking up so tired it hurts to even get out of bed, on the other I'm kind of looking forward to doing something tangible and getting that lovely sense of achievement ...

I will say that within 2 weeks of move in I can almost guarantee you I will be cursing the hard work I'm now claiming to miss!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Lighting Up

Ha - I must still be on my little high from the cold and flu's because the title just made me laugh....

Yes well anyways, moving right along, obviously as times goes by my design style is evolving and crystallising and I think I have decided on my lighting for the main kitchen / Dining / Living Room. I love the idea of using a mix of exposed bulbs and stainless steel track lights to give it a really simple modern feel to it.

Here is what I'm thinking? Exposed bulbs over the island bench in the kitchen and a cluster of them in the lounge room and then a lovely stainless track light over the dining table.

My Kitchen is dark with Arctic white tops and then three single bulbs ....

The Dining room has a huge 3m dining table that will seat 10 - 12 in dark french oak with some lovely upholstered linen chairs and my simple track light

The lounge room is still in debate but if I get my way I want some lovely comfortable brown leather chairs, big bulky furniture and the lovely cluster of bulbs in the centre

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Drama and Colour

There never seems to be a drama free weekend in my life. After a weekend full of gardening I return to work on Monday and during a rather important commercial meeting I start swelling up.

Yes you heard right, my face starts to swell, I broke out into a very red itchy rash and my throat started closing up. When my boss could stop laughing long enough to speak he quickly sent me off to the doctor who just as quickly sent me home with a rather strong Anti-histamine and instructions for a cold bath, tablets and bed.

Oh joy - so for two days I have been so drugged up on these tablets I didn't even realise hubby had gone to golf and come back (yes he did leave me but to be honest ... is it really that bad when I didn't even realise he was gone) and of course ... I was so drugged out I didn't even post for all my lovely bloggy friends.

So this is a very big, rash filled sorry for disappearing yesterday.

However in honour of my rather colourful drama filled life I thought today as a treat I would show you something I am hoping to do in my next house ... I love the idea of a totally neutral color scheme except for one item of colour .... I believe the technical term is a "POP" of colour...  What do you think ... Its a nice idea right, and when you get sick of red it would be quite easy to just change it to blue or something? I do think the colours have to be quite dramatic, you couldn't go for a pastel shade, they have to be bold for this to work.