Monday, August 13, 2012

The Lines of a Chair


I have a thing about seating .... occasional seating, lounges and amazing day beds really gets my creative juices flowing. Unfortunately there seems to be a dire shortage of reasonably priced options that just have the curves and profile I love. 

The big question I seem to be asking myself is .... does the line of a chair affect the outcome of a room. Can you just use a run of the mill, modern style of armchair / couch and still achieve the same look as with one of these little beauties??? What do you think? 







Designed by penny paid by Jason said...

Love Love all of the above.
I am really nervous about my new lounge i have ordered. our house will be ready in 5 weeks and gee i hope i pull it off.
I love all your designs. I started to google black pools when i read your last post, but hubby pulled me up with a NO!!!!!!!

Miss Vintage said...

Thanks Penny - I am sure what you have picked will be lovely. I agonise over the things I buy but once they are in the space I just love them.

As for the black pool, admittedly its not for everyone but we love the idea .... Now I just have to agonise over it till finished ... oh joy!

Sarge said...

Hi Miss Vintage, great blog. We moved into our new home in April. In the family room I still have an empty void where the right armchair will sit, once i find it. Like you, I've found Heaps that I love but none yet within my budget!

Miss Vintage said...

Hi Sarge - my theory is that its better to wait until you find something your besotted with as opposed to settling on something you just don't love