Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pretty Things

For the past three days I have been stuck in a tiny little conference room going through a 300 page document word by word and making sure it stands up as a contract.

Oh my god, to be honest I am totally completely worded out. I don't even want to think about the way numbers have to be spelled not numbered as in two (2) and where a comma goes doesn't really press my buttons.

I have also fallen desperately in love with coffee. Its insane just how much I need to survive 8 hours looking at the same document.

So in honour of having no words left in me I thought I would use pretty pictures instead.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Blue, White & Silver

I love the fact that things have changed regarding Christmas. Traditionally it was red, green and gold and while I absolutely adore the lovely warm feel Christmas colours give I have to say ... I am just a little bit in love with all the modern variations.

This year I decided to use pale blue and silver for my gift wrapping. Some lovely simple silver ribbon and some amazing patterned paper and they look so pretty. I cant wait to put them under the tree.

What do you think of pale blue and silver ... is this festive enough or do you think it will date? If so, does it matter that it dates? How often do you update your decorations?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Christmas All Wrapped Up

As you can tell we are not quite in December and I am already talking about Christmas.

I love Christmas, not even so much the day but that lovely warm feeling you get when you walk into the Christmas Section at the big department stores and everything is sparkly and shiny and the music is playing and all you want to do is wander around all day long looking at all the pretty things.

One of my big must-do's is to get all of my Christmas shopping out the way before we hit the 1st of December. I hate the stress and crowds that December shopping create so I always try and get it out of the way early.

Yet again, I have managed to have everything done so now I am turning my mind to how to wrap these lovely little presents... As always my first source of inspiration is Martha Stewart and here are some of my favorites.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

My Boss the Hypocrite

I am sorry but today I am going slightly off track.

This blog is not about the house its about how bloody hypocritical the world is today. I work in a large oil and gas company for a small engineering division. I do my job very well and very efficiently, I get things done straight away so I'm never snowed under and I never have to do overtime. I have heard ... from people that a lot of the coordinators within the company are either leaving for more money or are getting more money and decided that during my performance review I would ask for an increase in salary from my boss.

This is the response i received:

Boss - "Let me start by saying, you do a great job, you always get everything done I ask, you go above and beyond your job description and you manage the team well.... however you don't look that busy or stretched so I cant really justify the pay rise."

Miss V - "What do you mean?"

Boss - "Well you need to become more serious, you need to look flat out and you need to look like you are wanting to move up in the company"

Miss V - "But I don't want to move up I just want to get paid what I'm worth"

Boss - "yes but you see its all about perception, you need to do more hours."

Miss V - "But I don't need to do more hours, I get the work done in my hours and you don't pay me for more hours. If others cant manage their time why should I suffer for it"

Boss - "All I'm saying is - other peoples perception is that you only do what you have to and then you go home, the project isn't your life and soul"
Miss V - "Why would it be, its a job, I do the job well and then go home. I'm not running the project ... I don't want more responsibility, I just want to do my job and go home."

Boss - "Yes I know that but its how you look to others"

Miss V - "But shouldn't it be my managers perception that matters"

End of discussion - How bloody stupid is this guy. Aghhh. So in honor of my pain in the arse boss I would very much like to exchange him with any one of these poor people.... I am thinking the hippo is my favorite!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mirrored Finishes

I am totally in love with mirrored furniture at the moment. Totally impractical and it will probably date very quickly but I cant help it.... its just totally divine ... I want it NOW!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Its Begining To Look alot Like Christmas

Oh yes, its that wonderful time of the year, the exciting, frantic sometimes stressful time of the year where you drink way to much, eat way to much and try and fit way to much into your busy schedule. This week is the start of it for me, I have 2 different work Christmas parties, one big office party, next Friday is another Christmas party and then next Saturday is our Christmas dinner since half the family wont be here on Christmas day.

Its exhausting and wonderful but one of my favorite parts of Christmas is decorating the house. I think that a decorated house is the most lovely thing to come home to.... its just warm and inviting and a tiny little bit exciting and I cant wait. I also love the places like body shop now have these amazing Christmas scents so you can add another layer of Christmas wonder into your home. My favorite is always the cranberry... sigh!

Saying that I do feel that some people don't decorate - they invite Santa to come round and throw up all over their house, we like to call this Christmas up-chuck and there is a very fine line between stylish and just plain over the top.

I love the idea of just using red to decorate, simple, clean and elegant but there is no mistaking the fact that its Christmas. These houses have definitely got it right and cant wait till next year when I can finally decorate my own home!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bloody Windows!

I think I should start by saying - I may well truly be over reviewing plans. I mean, you get the FINAL plans, you look at them and realise they are all wrong. So you make a list of changes, and then they send you back the new FINAL plans and they are still not right. So you fix them up finally and then you get back the new new final plans and guess what. Some of the old things you have fixed months ago are back again.

However, on a good note I am down from 84 changes / revisions to 12 changes / revisions, hopefully in the next month we may finally get a correct drawing. Saying that it may well be my fault. The more I look at the plans the more I think "that would really look better if..."

The one major dilemma I have been having is with the windows in the master bedroom. The original plan was to have 2 lots of 3 wide floor to ceiling windows on one side of the house. And then I found that the lower storey roof does not allow for the second set so they made them highlight windows. Well I just can't see this looking any good. i think it will break up the wall in the worst way, and how am I supposed to curtain them.... way to hard. So I think I have it sussed..... what do you think? Will this look OK? I hope so because if I never have to make another window decision again it will be way to soon. I am OVER windows.... and doors!

Before the changes to windows

After the changes to windows

Sorry the pics arnt to clear - I was trying to take them off a PDF and it didnt turn out so great but im sure you get the picture

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pool Drama Update

Well It looks like the pool still isn't approved by the shire... sigh.

I am very disappointed in my pool company at the moment and I even wrote them a letter outlining not only my concerns but also the trials and tribulations I have already gone through...

Admittedly there are now being proactive about fixing things but when did it become so hard to just say "I'm Sorry". No one seems to say I'm sorry anymore

"I'm sorry my company has caused you stress, heartache and delays."

"I'm sorry we have not lived up to your expectations"

"I'm sorry I didn't know about this earlier"

But no, nothing at all and I don't know what I'm more disappointed about, my treatment thus far or the lack of a genuine apology over said treatment.

I have one more thing to say on this subject and then it will forever be closed. I think that mistakes happen, all the time and I don't judge people by mistakes but by the way they handle them. this company is not in my good books.
Back to the house - its getting damn close and all I can really say is that I want concrete.... I desperately madly want concrete.... bring it on.
New year New Start!

On another note what do you make of these - graffiti or art? Most of them I kind of like but would I accept these on my wall.... I really don't know.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wood Walls

Inspired by that amazing wood feature wall in yesterday's post, I googled and googled (probably didnt need to write it twice but the word "google" is so much fun to say and write I just had to) Anyways - I googled (he he he) found some amazing ideas. Why just stick to wall paper and paint when there are so many other interesting ideas I can use. These are a few of my favorites.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More on Lighting

Well not only do I love ornate light fixtures but I also have just as much love for table lamps. How lovely are these...... lots of different colours and bases, different heights and even different light globes colours but each one manages to infuse the spaces with that something a little bit special.

(oh and don't you just LOVE the wooden cladding on this first picture wall. For me this is heaven)