Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bloody Biological Clock

So for me - life was fairly simple when I first met my husband and it stayed that way for a few years.

Then about 2 - 3 years into our relationship disaster struck and the questions started.... you know the question I'm talking about. The totally inappropriate personal "When are you two getting married" question that everyone agrees is totally unacceptable but everyone does it anyways. So we lived through that for about 3 years and then when we got engaged we thought ... that's it, we have done it and the heat is off..... only its not. It seems the pressure is still there, its just the question that changes. We then got "So when is the big day, and unfortunately it took two years for us to organise the actual wedding. Now let me say, in my wedding speak I actually expressed gratitude that finally the wedding questions were over ... all over and we can now relax and just enjoy being married.

(picture a very big waaa waaahhh noise right here)

Of course its not over, now you get an even bigger inappropriate question - "so when are you guys having kids?"

Really people, Really? Is this a question you should be asking?

I know, for close friends and family it seems to be a talking point, and obviously everyone wants to cuddle a new baby but I have had friends of friends I have only met 10 minutes before asking us this question. I have even had 2 people on separate occasions rubbing my belly while asking when we were thinking of trying .... I'm not sure what that was supposed to achieve other than a very quick exit from hubby and I.

At the age of 28 (yes I know everyone always says - "you have plenty of time") these type of decisions are hard enough, you have doctors telling you about how your womb is slowly dying and every year you wait your fertility drops almost painfully plus your hormones start kicking in whenever you even see a baby or happen to walk past the baby department in Myer. Add that to the stress of EVERYONE questioning you on it and its enough to send you loopy.

That's it - Rant over - thank you for those who got to the end of it and to my biological clock - please shut up ... right now I would much rather be obsessing over colour swatches and laminate finishes!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ikea Just Keep Getting Better

So I'm a bit of an Ikea admirer ... and to be brutally and sadly honest, my idea of a good day at the moment would be wandering around the store for hours just checking everything out and shaking my head over how great everything is.

We decided that we would be kitting out our dressing room with the PAX system from Ikea and when I was trying to sort out layout I came across the most amazing virtual closet software ... I can actually see what its going to look like.

So these are my thoughts....

This is the main layout - Hubby has the right side - I have the left and the middle wall.... well I am female, I need twice as much space as he does.

So number 1 - the long hanging space is for my dresses ... I actually don't know if this is enough ... (I know your shaking your head again) but I figure I can put my formal dresses and cocktail dresses downstairs. Obviously half hanging up the top is for skirts, bottom pants section for jeans and work pants and then the shoe rack at the bottom for my sneakers and ballet flats.

Number 2 has shelving for those little tops and gym gear and then I have draws for dedicates, socks and bathers. You will also notice I have these lovely little jewellery draws which is the whole reason I fell in love with the PAX system... finally a place for my jewellery.

Number 3 is the corner unit - not alot you can do here but I have space up top for my clutches and bags and also some hanging space for coats...

Finally my shoe rack ... doesn't it look heavenly??? This is one of my other favorite points in the dressing room .... Oh and more drawers for other bits a pieces as well as a bit more hanging space just in case he he he ... so I'm 90% sure I will have enough space but then again .... can you ever really have enough space?

Hubby's is simple - no real need to explain, lots of shelves, no real need for stacks of shoes and finally some draws to hide the crap that men just seem to accumulate.

But wait there is more it also gives you a shopping list to take with you as well as a total costing ????

I am blown away with just how easy it all is - So yes - Ikea = Miss Vintage Heaven

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Im Over This Work Thing!

Oh yes - two 8pm finishes in a row and I have to say - Work Sucks! BIG TIME.

And yes, we didn't finish last night so back in this morning for more of the same ... oh joy.

However I have snuck in a quick post about some of the other amazing things on sale at Empire - it seems someone above is listening to me because there is stacks of amazing items to choose from that match my style .... Thank you Empire!

Oh the industrial shelves fourth picture down - wouldn't they look super cute in a little boys bedroom? (PS. Super Cute ... god I know, I'm blaming it on lack of sleep!)

Monday, July 25, 2011

I Want It

This is the point where I stomp my foot and try very hard to bring tears to my eye.

See on the weekend I went furniture "stalking" and found the most amazing stuff in this store called Empire. Its all a bit eclectic and I just cant help but adore it... oh yes, I want it very very badly. Here is my dilemma... it wont quite fit. I only have 1 meter on the wall I want to put it and its actually 112..... hmmm 12 cm over. Bugger. So either I have it hanging over the edge which would totally and completely damage my design sensibilities, I could just not get it at all ... which would just about kill me ... or I could turn it around slightly. See I was thinking and maybe having it dead straight onto the front door isn't the way to go? Maybe it would be better to actually have it off centre.... what do you think?

This is the way I originally had it in my head.....

And this is what im now thinking....

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Quick One

I'm in a contracts workshop for the next few days and am supposed to be focusing on terms and conditions but I cant help but show you something very exciting ... very quickly.

I have a roof ! And Electrics! YAY

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Cant Get You Out Of My Head

My god - before I go onto today's post do any of you remember how many weeks that song was stuck running around and around in your head and you would finally move onto humming something else and someone would start it off again. I swear this song should be a form of torture ... and yes, I do realise I have just "tortured" you with it.

The only thing worse than this song at the moment is tht Aime ad. "lucky..yyyy your with Aime!" My husband sung that constantly last time he was home so hopefully I have managed to plant one of those two pieces of torture into your subconscious.

Anyways, back to the title, I still cant seem to get my lovely Tasmanian dream out of my head. I love that house and I keep thinking .... there are so many things I could do with it... seriously so many things. So this is what I have come up with so far ... and before you start shaking your head, at the moment this is the only thing stopping me wailing about how bloody long it takes to put a roof on ....

Original Picture first and then what I would do... Exterior is easy ... its already a pretty house - it just needs a paint job and someone to actually look at the gardens

Now the staircase - its really just a matter of repainting and re carpeting in something slightly lighter and less ... pink.

Next is that lovely great room. So so simple, some paint, some nice drapes and some furniture that actually fits with the room and I know its going to get alot of "oh no's" but I would get rid of the light fittings quick smart!

Now for the kitchen - This is a huge job - rip everything out, knock down walls and then make it clean and white and oh so pretty.

The bedrooms I would again keep simple but really really lux ... lovely grey tones, thick luxurious carpets and really lovely solid beds.

Oh yes, and there isn't any pictures of the outside gardens but I have to say, I would get rid of the vegetable patch and make it something pretty amazing... lots of little sitting areas, lots of green and hopefully a pool although I do realise a pool in Tasmania is almost comical I would have to have this one ....

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It Could Work

So alot of the design styles I like seem to be very much an all of nothing thing. Those windows from yesterday wouldn't suit alot of Australian house styles however I think I may have found a way of injecting a little bit of Old World Glamour into a new house.

This looks like a fairly new house and yet the detail around the doorway is amazing but... it almost looks tongue in cheek. Its black to start with making it a statement, not at all trying to blend in with its surroundings and its also damned big! I like it.... I don't know if I'm brave enough to do it but i like it alot ... what about you?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Enough Dreaming

Well I think I have well and truly worn out my millionaire dreaming. I think its about time to get back down to earth and really start focusing on what is instead of what never will be.

So today I'm going to discuss again my love of anything round. I have a round wall but if I were to do it again, and found a builder who was happy to have 100's of different shape and sized windows and doors and walkways I most definitely would take advantage. Nothing would be standard size. 

I already feel sorry for my next builder even though I have no desire to build again ... yet. I think I will always be on the lookout for the next amazing land find .... Oh I know, your probably shaking your heads thinking to yourself ... her poor hubby!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Keeping The Dream Alive

So maybe if I keep dreaming about ridiculously over the top properties and actually remember to buy a lotto ticket someone will perhaps listen to my dreams.

So today I'm taking you on a tour of a truly remarkable property that has just undergone a huge renovation that makes my little Tasmania dream look like a doll house.

It's The Mount, the home that Edith Wharton had built in 1902 in Lenox Massachusetts. Wharton as the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize and authored many works, including The House of Mirth and Ethan Frome - now if this house isn't perfect as an over the top down south getaway I don't know what is!

Oh and the inside is probably a bit more formal than I would like - I dont really want to be cringing when kids run around the halls screaming at the top of their voices dreading what they are going to break. But still I wouldnt be complaining.

Oh also - the last picture is the woman herself - how lucky to live in a house like this?