Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Something Light

A rather good friend of mine recently put himself on the line in the name of charity. The entire Engineering team donated money to a very special cause in the highest donation received the ability to do whatever they want with him for the day.

Another rather creative engineer won the rights of said individual and already the games have started. I thought I would show you some pictures someone took of him at the train station on the way into work .... I have the highest amount of respect for what this individual did - Raising on $1,000 between a very small team but I will say .... I would not put myself into his shoes .... the winning engineer has a rather devious mind and im sure that I will be laughing all morning long.


Ange @ A Cream Cottage said...

Hilarious! Ange

danma said...

Thanks for the giggle, my son & I just had seeing those pic's...What a good many hugs did he get????