
Saturday, December 22, 2012

The Mongols Are Coming ... to Rothenburg


Nope I fibbed ... mum just found a few hat and I am seriously in love with it.


We are struggling with wifi here .... who would have thought .... but its here now and I'm getting in while I can.

So onto the exciting stuff ... we spent 2 days in the lovely walled city of Rothenburg. Its small and cute and has a wonderful warm feeling you cant help but get caught up in.


The city itself is beautiful, the buildings are old and have a lovely Bavarian flavour, the streets steep and cobble stoned and the area restricted to local cars only which mean its heaven for walkers. We spend most of our time wandering up and down the street strolling into the various shops full of the smell of Gingerbread and pine needles.


They have shops full of the round balls of pastry called snowballs. They look pretty and tasty and you desperately want them whenever you walk past a shop however a word from the wise ... these taste like cardboard and even worse, they are made up of little strips of pastry so when you even attempt to bite into them they explode into pieces in a flurry of icing sugar!


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