
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Bamberg and Nurnburg Germany


Today was a visit to two very interesting and different cities.


One was small, quaint and so pretty it made your heart ache ... the other larger but has such a strong presence you cant help but respect it. 

Bamberg is such a sweet little city, Bridges with lovely views, buildings that have delicate details and cobble stone streets you can help but fall in love with. We only had 2 hours in each of these cities but if I had to pick Bamberg is somewhere I would return to explore in a heart-beat!

Nurnburg is a bigger city with grand imposing buildings and a sense of place that you can't help but take note of. This is a city that says ... this is me, either like it or done... I'm here to stay! As far as Christmas markets go this one takes the cake .... there are hundreds of stalls and each selling a different item or food. Me personally had a lovely ham cheese and broccoli toasted baguette, a crepe, chocolate strawberries on a stick and a lovely Kinder punch .... children's punch ... no alcohol!!!


One thing we are all quite concerned about is the likelihood of having a white Christmas. Its looking less and less likely with a heat wave on its way and a forecast of 14 degrees on xmas day. Obviously the whole tour are crossing their fingers for snow ... can I please ask all of you to also cross your fingers not just for me but for mum ... the woman who has never had a white christmas and who is desperately hanging onto any hint on snow on the horizon!

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