
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Im Getting a Christmas Feeling


Ok so the Christmas spirit oh so absent in Russia is now starting to give me that lovely warm feeling inside.


To start with today we decided that three days really is to long to spend in Frankfurt ... so what do you do when there is nothing else interesting to do in a city .... go to the zoo! Yup we visited the Frankfurt zoo which while nothing spectacular has a wonderful chimp / monkey exhibit and not many crowds in the middle of winter. 


After the zoo we braved the markets which were pleasantly less busy meaning we could wander the alleys looking and tasting and drinking. Oh yes its finally starting to get Christmassy ... thank goodness.

Now the other thing I was / am nervous about is the fact we will be doing a group tour for the next 10 days. Mr V and I have never done a group tour before and are hessitant about everything. Are we going to like the structure ? How are we going to cope with all those different personalities? Will we fit in ... group tours tend to target the .... "older" generation.


Ok so after our first dinner I can say I am more and less concerned. Its rather a mixed bag as far as ages go. About 50% of the tour is over 65's, 30% of the tour are between 45 and 65 and then the other 20% are younger than 45. Its an interesting group filled with lots of different personalities, some we have gotten on very well with up front, others perhaps require more work. One gentleman in the group reminds me a great deal of Sheldon from big bang theory but its more of a Sheldon on red cordial which provides me with hours of entertainment and poor Mr V to hold his head in his hands!


Tomorrow I will be able to give you a better first impression of the group but for now I have some lovely pics of the markets so you can share the Christmas Joy with me!!!


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