
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Stepping off the Ledge

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The other day I was thinking about my strengths and weaknesses and while I was more than happy to acknowledge that I have a ton of weaknesses one of my strengths is my attention to detail. A perfect example of this was the party, I am a detail orientated person and the party went well because I obsessed about these details months before the event.

Ok so here is what I am getting at - Right now I am considering using this strength to step off that safe little ledge and try something a bit different.

I am thinking about perhaps starting my own company. It would be part time / weekend type thing. I am afraid I'm not nearly brave enough to jump off the ledge so I would still be working but I was thinking about moving into the event styling arena. I like decorating, I like adding unique and pretty details that make up the whole picture.

I was thinking I could start small, perhaps a candy / desert bar type arrangement, both just the rental of the basics and also a full service option with various themes and colour combinations.

I haven't quite fleshed out all my thoughts yet, I would need to put together a business plan and see if it is possible for it to work however .... its something to think about. Something I can own and maybe something little that could possibly turn into something bigger further down the track.

Its the stepping off that ledge that is scary .... taking the first step no matter how small!

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