
Monday, March 25, 2013

I'm Back .... With my First Ever ... Ikea Hack!

My apologies for my less than stellar presence lately ... I have been flat flat flat out with everything from work to planning the new business to attempting our very first "Ikea Hack"

The plan - to take some plain Billy Bookcases and turn them into built in DVD storage units that look like the were built in.

Obviously its a nerve wracking experience buying cabinets and the modifying them so they look like built in units. We already has 2 small recesses either side of the door. each recess was slightly too big for the cabinets and also slightly to deep so modifications were in order.

We are currently only half way through but here is what we have so far ....

Build the units ....

 photo 024_zps225f169e.jpg

Add 1 door for reference ...

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Move them out of the space and build a fake floor to raise the units up for a skirting to be fitted ...

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Add spacers to the back of the unit so they sit flush with the wall ...

 photo 042_zps14f73d20.jpg

Cut the cornice before you put the cabinets back into the space .....

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Move the units back into the recess, drill them both into the back wall ...

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We actually found some of these handy little screws we were given when we put together the pantry to fix the units together...

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So that is all we have so far .... we are doing this very slowly and methodically thinking through each step before we commit. Obviously I will keep you updated as to our progress but for now .... the hack has started.

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