
Monday, July 18, 2011

Keeping The Dream Alive

So maybe if I keep dreaming about ridiculously over the top properties and actually remember to buy a lotto ticket someone will perhaps listen to my dreams.

So today I'm taking you on a tour of a truly remarkable property that has just undergone a huge renovation that makes my little Tasmania dream look like a doll house.

It's The Mount, the home that Edith Wharton had built in 1902 in Lenox Massachusetts. Wharton as the first woman to win the Pulitzer Prize and authored many works, including The House of Mirth and Ethan Frome - now if this house isn't perfect as an over the top down south getaway I don't know what is!

Oh and the inside is probably a bit more formal than I would like - I dont really want to be cringing when kids run around the halls screaming at the top of their voices dreading what they are going to break. But still I wouldnt be complaining.

Oh also - the last picture is the woman herself - how lucky to live in a house like this?

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