
Sunday, July 17, 2011

As you can see above - I have a roof!

Its all very exciting, to finally have roof timbers is just one step closer to finally having my own house again. Hubby is even getting into the act, we talked for a good hour about placement of furniture and how we are going to finish things. Obviously now I'm wanting the tin to be put on but hey .... I'm never going to be happy until we are in and its totally finished!

Other than that, I went to an antiques show in the weekend at UWA and while I was thinking to myself that I would definitely be besotted with all the lovely items really to purchase I actually was more in love with the buildings themselves.

I don't know if you have ever played they "When I win lotto" game but over the weekend I did. I know its excessive and totally over the top but ... When I win lotto I'm going to buy a huge block of land down south and build a house just like this on it. I mean look at it, its meant to have kids and grand kids crawling around it, its meant to have people sliding down that balustrade and its meant to have wonderful baking smells coming from the kitchen and lavender and rosemary drifting in from the huge country gardens outside.

I have a thing for curves and arches as you well know but what you don't know is that this building has more of them than even I dreamed possible.

Happy Monday people - may your work week go fast and easy! Oh and to those lucky people who don't have to work ... may your Monday be quiet and filled with sunshine ...

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Miss Vintage. The roof is a massive Milestone! Have a bubbly!


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