
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Garden Progress ....

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Its amazing how quickly a yard comes together, one minute its one giant sand pit and then the next we finally start getting a bit of potential.

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We have a structure, we have finalised out levels and are now working towards grass..... ok perhaps not real grass but a nice version of artificial turf. That will be sorted next trip but for now we had to find a way to hold back the mounds of dirt that separate us and our neighbours block. The answer was rough treated railway sleepers. They are textural, they have character and the colour looks amazing with green.

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So now are nearly there, well not even close but we are one step closer to a non sandy backyard.

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Obviously with all our weekend work neither hubby or I can move without wincing but hey .... just look - it was worth it!

Just so you can see how far we have come ... the before picture!

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