
Thursday, April 4, 2013

Keep Your Head Up .....

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I dont know if anyone has heard the song Keep your Head Up by artist "Ben Howard" but it seems oh so fitting today for me.

Life is good, life is wonderful and full of joy but sometimes I think just the overwhelming nature of our life seems to almost drown me. Obviously I have choosen to fill up my life with things and people and activities and 99% of the time I love it but days like today it would be so easy to let it all overwhelm you. As I write this teams actually come to my eyes which is just ridiculous I know but ehhh .... we cant always control our emotions ... all we can do is keep out heads up, keep our hearts strong and hope the feelings will pass.

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Anyone who just happens to be going through the same thing as I am - put your headphones on, turn the volume up and take alook at his youtube video .... here .... maybe, just maybe it will give you that little bit of extra something to survive the day.

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If you are feeling bright and perky today watch the video anyways, if I owned a property like this you can bet I would be doing this over and over and over! It just looks like so very much fun don't you think?

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