
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Double Duty ... Guest Bedroom to Nursery

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So at the moment we are young (maybe not so young) couple with no kids and we tend to entertain so need a few guest rooms in case friends ever stay over. However it seems pointless and expensive to kit two guest bedrooms out when the intention is to eventually turn one of them into a Nursery ... if we ever decide we want kids.

So the second bedroom has to serve double duty ... a lovely comfortable guest bedroom now with the ability to remove the bed and replace it with a crib if that particular event ever comes to pass.

Obviously pastel blues and pinks are not the option here but after much thought, research and experimenting we think we may have a solution .... a simple yet glamorous black and white bedroom, lovely black chandelier, black prints with black and white frames in a photo wall, a white chest of draws that will not only suit guests but also be a makeshift change table for a baby and grow with either a boy or girl in the future. Similarly a black and white shelf unit perfect for now and the future .... 

Obviously not a traditional nursery and yet it might just work .... what do you think. Is this a practical solution in the long term or am I just wishing that it would work?

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