
Monday, January 28, 2013

A Weekend of Martini's and Cake!


That's right, I spent this Australia Day long weekend drinking Espresso martini's and baking my first ever sponge cake ... and it actually came out pretty damn perfect!


It was moist, it was fluffy, it was nice and tall ... I actually made a whole batch of small baby cakes - cut them in half, filled them with cointreau infused strawberry syrup, cream and then topped with more strawberries. I then garnished with dark sugar french meringue.


How can you not love a desert this pretty!

A busy weekend full of catching up with friends .... the perfect way to fill in time before Mr V comes home.

1 comment:

  1. O.M.G. Yum!!!! Clever girl! (Cruel to taunt us though as we cannot share the taste) x KL


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