
Monday, January 21, 2013

A Few of My Favourite Things ...


As some of you know Mr V is constantly travelling - he is away for long period and we refer to these as trips. My life is not worked in weeks and months but trips .... for example "it will be 2 trips before we have time to complete this."

As with everything some trips are easy ... sometimes I enjoy the time on my own getting things done that make me truly happy ... sometimes however these trips are difficult. Things get complicated, break, go wrong and I have to deal with these "issues" on my own.

This is one of those trips ... everything is hard, Tilly (the new puppy) is making sleeping for more than 4 hours impossible which makes poor Miss V grumpy without her usual 8 hour supply.

When times are tough I find it very easy to fall into this mood where I let even the little things get to me .... my coffee was cold, the air con is too loud .... the car is squeaking.

However i try very hard to counter mind this with lots of positive thoughts and one of these techniques involves me listing all the things that make me happy ... my favourite things if you will and I thought I might share them with you ....

1) A Brightly Coloured Dress - there is something that just makes you smile as you wear a dress the colour of sunshine.


2) The way your tongue feels like sandpaper after eating really good honeycomb.


3) The warm gooey feeling I get when Mr V kisses me on the forehead ... awww he loves me!


4) The feeling of right as your two best friends snuggle with you in bed.


5) The smell of fabric softener as you hang your clothes out in the sunshine.


6) Being able to wander Ikea without a time limit - I know this sounds like some peoples idea of hell but they have such good ideas and so many great products it is wonderful to have the time to enjoy the crazy instead of stressing about it.


So there are my five lovely things to raise my spirits on this beautiful Tuesday in January. How bout you, what do you do in order to get that happy feeling back when your feeling down!

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