
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Happy Monday To All ...


My apologies for being MIA the last few days .... the holiday planning is hotting up with only 9 days, 7 hours, 15 minutes and .... 8 seconds until I am free and clear of work and on my way to a new and exciting adventure.


I apologies to all those who are as house crazy as I am ... the house will be on the back burner until January however don't go anywhere, I do have one or two little surprises remaining and will be showing you those before I go. Over the next few months will be focusing on our little journey across the world and I am going to start giving you the run down over the next ... 9 days, 7 hours, 12 minutes and 28 seconds.


Today however is all about you ... well for me its ... me but really this is more global than that. This is about recognising what makes you happy and making it a priority.


The three things that really make me happy .... colour, flowers and scent. So I always have candles burning in my house - the brighter the stronger smelling the better, that hint of Jasmine as you walk past a room really gives me the warm and fuzzies.

Now Colour and Flowers - I always try have flowers in my house, I love seeing them sitting there purely for my pleasure. And it doesn't have to be expensive ... it really doesn't. These little babies cost me $15 and in my head it was money well spent.  


During a time of the year where everyone goes out of their way to please everyone else ... don't you think you should take 10 minutes out of your day to make you happy?

1 comment:

  1. Love your flower arrangement! That shop is surly to die for. On Saturday I only went for a look but even if I don't need anything I always pop in if I'm going to that shopping mall.
    Here is a link to their shop on line and ther you can search for a stor to. Good luck finding one.
    Just saw they are on FB too.
    Have a lovely European holiday (again)
    Anette :-)


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