
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Enough Is Enough ... Isn't It?


There has to come a point where you think to yourself ... enough is enough. For the last few weeks the pool has been a major drama and it only seems to get worse. 

Let me start by clarifying the situation: 

  1. 8 weeks ago now we did our colour selection and chose a black pool interior colour
  2. We were told 2 weeks ago after we had purchased the header, tiles and step treads that colour wasn't available.
  3. We looked at the options available but none were even close to the original colour we chose
  4. We went down and view the "best of a bad lot" but were not happy with how light it was
  5. We suspended all works on the pool until the colour dilema had been sorted out
  6. Other options were were given are much more expensive and we will have to pay additional funds
So it has gone back and forward with the woman from the pool company saying I had to pick something, this has obviously delayed everything and the pool will now not be finished before Christmas.

So on Monday I sent the pool company a pleading email to help get this sorted

Good Morning XXXXX

As per our discussion on Friday morning we are currently waiting for you to give us a price for the alternative product and colour recommended by yourself.

I am sure with all the delays regarding colour we will not be getting the pool before Christmas but we request your prompt response as the whole colour issue is causing us a great deal of stress and worry.

As we have stated from the beginning the dark colour of the pool was a major priority for us and with the change of supplier to XXXX the lack of dark options within our price range is not only disappointing but distressing as we had already purchased all of the accompanying products for the original black pearl option.

I am sure you are extremely busy with a number of different pools at the moment however if we can just get the colour sorted it would take a lot of pressure off Ben and myself and we would then be happy to wait until after the holiday to finish the job.

I hope you can understand our position and help us to find a way to solve this problem.

Miss V

So a pleading email from myself begging to get this sorted .... Outcome - Nada!

That's right, this particular company have not yet even responded to my email. 72 hours after my email and I have not heard a thing from anyone. 


1 comment:

  1. Don't blame you babe. Something doesn't smell right....Where would you stand if you cancelled contract and resumed with another who uses original supply colour???? Investigate. Work in the industry is tight at the moment (am in NSW though)so they should be tripping over themselves to sort this!
    Good luck,
    x KL


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