
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Pool .... Hand Dug .... Check


Oh trust me - I was really not looking forward to this particular job and in terms of torture this one takes the cake. Imagine hand digging out a pool. Well after a couple of weeks of absolute torture I can safely say I have done this. 

Not only have I done this but there isnt too much resentment towards the pool now that its over.

So excitement plus - the pool is ready to roll -  next time Hubby is home its all go!



  1. Woo hoo! MissV, how did the pool get filled up in the first place? I'm sure it would have been a killer job, and hopefully it will make that first swim all the more sweet!


  2. That is amazing. well done.
    I actually called my hubby over to my computer the other day when i was reading your post and showed him that your husband was digging the pool by hand.
    he was impressed.
    massive task.
    gosh you will enjoy swimming in it.
    Pen x

  3. Thanks guys .... I have to admit we probably wouldnt do it again .... hell of a job and we can stop celebrating the fact that its over

  4. I'm so confused....the shell was there but full of dirt? Why? What a rotten job; I can understand why you're glad it's over!
    x KL

  5. Ha KL - dont worry I was confused too. The shell of the pool had to be poured before the house was build as the house rests on the edge of the pool. The builder was going to charge us $5,000 to scaffold out the pool during the build so we just filled it with sand instead - the original plan was to use the neighbours block to empty it however the forced us to build the wall early ... hence the hand digging out the pool. Fun fun fun I can assure you!

  6. That now makes sense!!!! Totally bad luck with the neighbours!
    x KL

  7. What a mission! Can't wait to see the finished product. Ange


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