
Monday, December 19, 2011

A Christmas Present from the Builder

I got a kitchen .... oh yes, my kitchen is in, how exciting is that. Its in and not only is it in but it looks better than amazing. I also have bathroom cabinets, a bath and a laundry but I will discuss the laundry tomorrow.

So today its just all about the pictures baby because who wouldn't love to see my brand new kitchen ....

Did I perhaps mention that I am now the proud owner of a kitchen???


  1. Ooooh very nice! And what a treat to get it in the week before Christmas. You'll have to christen the kitchen with a glass of champers!!! Ange

  2. Woo Hoo, just love a kitchen, it's my favorite room...looks fanbloodytastic...Congrat's on the 20,000 visitors..


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