
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day Ten - A Beginning in Berlin

This morning we woke up headache free…. That’s right hubby and I managed to survive Oktoberfest without hangovers! We were due to leave Munich at 10am but walking out of the hotel we were floored that we couldn’t even see the car the fog was that thick. Driving to the airport we almost erie … the road seemed to float on clouds and I have to say Ben and I just stared out the window in awe at the way the fog just seemed to cover everything.

Obviously the flight was delayed however we didn’t really mind too much. I had finally found a coffee shop that did good coffee and made sure to overindulge …. He he he.

Arriving in Berlin at 3 we checked into our super mod hotel Swissotel Berlin which was totally amazing but really freaky because there are two glass lifts in the building which look out over the 8 storey lobby. Oh oh oh but in each room there is a Nespresso machine, the receptionist was actually sorry it didn’t come with George Clooney but to be honest, im just looking forward to good coffee in the morning.

We wandered the streets till dinner, where we found a super cute Italian restaurant with an all German menu and just pointed at something and hoped for the best. I had the most amazing mix of three pasta’s and hubby ended up with his first pizza of the trip. It was nice to have something slightly different to the sausage and pork knuckle we have been focusing on over the last few days but tomorrow we have our eye on a bar in the sky…

A couple of things I have noticed, it’s a really pretty city with lots of modern buildings working together with the older buildings in the area. The streets are very green with trees turning golden and mounds of leaves scattering the lovely wide footpaths.

The other thing I love so far is the cafes that just sit on the side of the street. This isn’t unique for Australia but what is amazing is they don’t face each other over their latte or ale they all face forward towards the street. Hmm, it was quite disconcerting with 50 or so people who all just stared as you wandered past.

We are sitting in bed now trying to work out what to do during our time in Berlin. Its going to be a busy two days but there is so much to do and so little time …. That may well be my new catch phrase. 

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