
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day Sixteen - Im Selling Up...

And moving to Prague. Thats right, we have arrived in Prague and I can I just say ... I am in love. It is the prettiest, most lovely city I have ever seen. Today we just walked the streets because our room wasn't ready. We wandered down to Charles Bridge, had lunch in a lovely local restaurant where my Stroganof was to die for and then wandered through a local food market before finally going back to the hotel and crashing. I slept for 4 hours which I never do which should tell you just how tired I was. All the late  hours and early starts finally caught up with me. 

I woke at six and after getting dragged out of bed by hubby we got dressed and walked into town. Its rather easy to find any town centre in the part of the world, its usually called Town Square or Old Town Square. It was freezing but I was actually fine dressed in my lovely warm coat, beanie, scarf and gloves. We followed the masses of crowds through small cobble stoned streets which again were so perfect I wanted to cry. Finally hitting the square it was packed ... then we realised it was Saturday night. We found a cute place for dinner where  again I lucked out on my choice, risotto was heaven and then while waiting for our ghost tour to start something amazing happened. 

They have this astrological clock which has been around since the 14th century but on a Saturday night they put on a lights show to act out the history of the clock. You may thing ... yeah yeah just how good can one lights show get but wait until you see the video (I cant get it working yet but give me a day and I will make sure to add it for you). It is on every half an hour from 6 to 10 and we watched it twice. Again just watching it really blows m mind. To me this is one of the best bits of my trip so far and could even be my Breathless over History moment. (Im not quite clever enough to add my own video yet but this one I found on youtube is actually 100 times better - no shaky footage here and you still get the idea on just how cool this is)

Oh and as for the ghost tour ... unfortunately it was a bit of a flop, nothing scary or interesting about it, we just spent the entire time running after the guide who must be training for the power walking games but still ... the clock more than makes up for it in my mind.

Tomorrow I will give you a more thorough view of Prague but today just a few pics to whet your appetite.

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