
Monday, October 10, 2011

Day Eighteen - Slowing Down

Another day in Prague and you know I just adore the city but its also really nice to have a few days to just slow down a bit. We both woke up with the beginnings of colds and decided to take today slowly. A very smart move however here is my dilemma. I always feel guilty about sleeping in or coming back to the room early because I almost feel like we are wasting what limited time we have in each city. However today we really really did slow down. Late start, early finish, bed and takeaway and hopefully we can convince these colds we arn’t very exciting victims.

Well obviously you know its cold so today I am determined not to talk about the cold but I will mention that today it was raining again.  The rain here is lovely, no one but Australians understand just how much we enjoy rainy days, they mean rain for farmers and greener lawns so hell yes, rain makes us happy. The one problem here is that all of the sidewalks use these lovely cobbled pavers which have been walked over for so long that they are smooth and yes in rain very very slippery. So imagine if you want that today instead of wandering as I like to call it that we are treading very carefully so we don’t fall on our bums! It was almost funny watching hubby tiptoe across the road very quickly to avoid oncoming trams.

Ok now today we again wandered around the tiny little streets, I got us totally lost and spent the next hour telling Ben that I knew exactly where I was and asking him when he stopped trusting me as I randomly turned left and right until by pure skill I got us to the main square (which turned out that if I turned right at first instead of left we would have been there but lets not go there) I think I have found my ornament from Prague, Its this lovely hand painted egg which is housed in this little metal ornate cage. Not the best of explanations but we will be picking it up tomorrow so I will make sure to take a picture then.

We found the farmers markets and the fruit and veg there look and smell so good it was amazing, they had these little mixed berry trays you can eat as you wander and I have to say I could have spent all day there just looking at the fresh food.

We did a boat cruise down the river which was quite short but great for getting another view of the city and then we crashed, we walked home, crawled into bed and are going to sleep hoping that when we woke up his naughty little cold will have taken the hint and gone.

Sorry for the short blog today people, tomorrow we are planning on visiting Prague Castle which is apparently amazing so stay posted for that.

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