
Friday, September 30, 2011

Day Seven - A Day With The Royals

Today we got back on the tube … I am really getting quite good at the tube now, ha its hilarious the tube. I’m almost a Londoner … calling it the tube. No really we wander through the tunnels up and down the escalators trying to figure out how to get between lines desperately looking at my mini tube map … oh dear, lets play ‘pick the tourist’

We cleverly thought that in order to avoid the cues at Buckingham Palace we should just arrive slightly early. Easy right … ha I think not. After walking down the 200 people line I was then lucky enough to preach to hubby about how patience is a virtue while we waited in the line… and waited.

I should say though it was smooth sailing after we got the tickets. They have groups of about 30 people moving through in 15 minute lots and even with all the security it was almost painless.

The palace itself was amazing, unfortunately I was unable to take pictures, they are very big on security there however what it meant was that instead of trying to document the moment we actually got to live in the moment. So I have this tendency to look up no matter where I am, the ceilings at the palace are almost breathtaking. I have to say its almost obscene, the amount of opulence on show. Obviously it’s a showcase not a home, the queen lives in a totally different wing of the house to the state rooms but still, at some point these rooms were regularly used.

We did one last wander around the city, relaxed and enjoyed the sunshine, had a lovely lunch a a very cute little Italian restaurant. The owner sang as he served us, he gave us olives and bread when we sat down and Limoncello after the meal. I want to rave after this place, it was small, quaint and the food was amazing.

Now home to pack and get ready for a 4am pick up tomorrow morning for the flight to Munich …. Viva a la Oktoberfest!

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