
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Random Pretties

You know the song "these are a few of my favorite things" well for some reason I keep humming that continually.... so let me show you a few of my favorite things.... very random but hey! Why Not?

A hint of purple ... I love just a teny tiny bit of purple in a room.... oh yes

Obviously book shelves ... but here they are hiding my other favorite thing ... a secret room. How can anyone not like a secret room!

A little bit "out of africa" - not just the print but the whole rustic feel they have going on here

Finally this bedroom, there is not anything I dont love about this bedroom and when hubby is away - can you think of anything better than drifting off to sleep dreaming of a behind like that .... he he he (Note im only brave enough to write this because he is home at the moment and unlikely to read my blog, to busy with his golf - but if he does, honey your behind is almost as good as this guys!) Oh yes, to make this a legitimate design post I should say, I love the casual elegance of this room, teh lovely high drapes, the luxury furniture .... and maybe the print!


  1. That first pic is stunning! The purple chairs are gorgeous.

  2. I know ... I do too but im not a big fan of the lime green they added. Its slightly jarring to me?

  3. Beautiful photos Miss Vintage!

    Are you having secret room????



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