
Monday, July 25, 2011

I Want It

This is the point where I stomp my foot and try very hard to bring tears to my eye.

See on the weekend I went furniture "stalking" and found the most amazing stuff in this store called Empire. Its all a bit eclectic and I just cant help but adore it... oh yes, I want it very very badly. Here is my dilemma... it wont quite fit. I only have 1 meter on the wall I want to put it and its actually 112..... hmmm 12 cm over. Bugger. So either I have it hanging over the edge which would totally and completely damage my design sensibilities, I could just not get it at all ... which would just about kill me ... or I could turn it around slightly. See I was thinking and maybe having it dead straight onto the front door isn't the way to go? Maybe it would be better to actually have it off centre.... what do you think?

This is the way I originally had it in my head.....

And this is what im now thinking....


  1. Choice 2. As the door opens from right to left when you enter the room, the first thing your eyes will see is the dresser which will further peak curiosity and encourage people to enter the room in a non-confrontational way... Well, that's how I see it anyway :D


Comments are always helpful - please feel free to tell me what you think!