
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

So So Clever

Ok plans have changed and its all because if this very clever lot of pictures I found on a site called Ikea Hacks. So obviously I'm looking to save money,  I think we all are so I am pouring over the Ikea website and then I come across a site about how people have "changed" normal ikea products - sometimes making them better and sometimes totally destroying them.

This one I loved - so very very simple, its a chair cover, normal white slipcover where they have then gone along and just improved it so very much. Again I don't know if it would suite my house but how can you not admire someone for making something so very simple totally Designer Chick!

Tell me your not totally in love with this simple idea???


  1. That looks amazing! Mind you I could never be that precise :S


  2. ha - I think its one of those jobs you would start and never really finish ...

  3. What a gorgeous idea! Simple and effective.


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