
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hallways and Shoes

A bit of an odd title but lets start with the hallways.

Obviously with a long house you need hallways and when I was designing I tried as hard as I could to make mine interesting and light spaces. Well I can now finally start to see what they are going to look like and I have to admit I'm pretty damn impressed with myself (Silently patting myself on the back)

This is the walkway up to the front door and these are my very special windows. They just give you a little glimpse into our house, and its lovely, really lovely the way the light filters through. Inside the hallway runs from the garage to the entry.



This is the big hallway finished between the entry and the kitchen / living area. This is where the pool rests up against and I love how very wide it is, its almost a room of its own - I really adore this space. I cant wait to see it finish, I have such plans!

Finally - this is my entry, its small and it doesn't give you much of a hint when it comes to whats beyond, I like that - I like how you have to walk around the corner in order to see how the house expands.

Oh and as for shoes - I have found the best pair ever for walking on site. You wouldn't think it but these little babies meant I had no sand in my shoes at the end of my visit - oh yes, this could be the new pair of house visit shoes.... just need to add a steel cap!


  1. Oh so glam Miss V - soooo much nicer than my spotty black and white gumboots I wear on site!

  2. Thanks Belinda - Its still summer here - I may have to move onto gum boots when the weather turns but we are 60 days in a row without rain so im pretty safe in my heels at the moment!


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