
Monday, November 22, 2010

Its Begining To Look alot Like Christmas

Oh yes, its that wonderful time of the year, the exciting, frantic sometimes stressful time of the year where you drink way to much, eat way to much and try and fit way to much into your busy schedule. This week is the start of it for me, I have 2 different work Christmas parties, one big office party, next Friday is another Christmas party and then next Saturday is our Christmas dinner since half the family wont be here on Christmas day.

Its exhausting and wonderful but one of my favorite parts of Christmas is decorating the house. I think that a decorated house is the most lovely thing to come home to.... its just warm and inviting and a tiny little bit exciting and I cant wait. I also love the places like body shop now have these amazing Christmas scents so you can add another layer of Christmas wonder into your home. My favorite is always the cranberry... sigh!

Saying that I do feel that some people don't decorate - they invite Santa to come round and throw up all over their house, we like to call this Christmas up-chuck and there is a very fine line between stylish and just plain over the top.

I love the idea of just using red to decorate, simple, clean and elegant but there is no mistaking the fact that its Christmas. These houses have definitely got it right and cant wait till next year when I can finally decorate my own home!

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